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Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2010 2:37 pm
by captainlarry84
I was at the club today and inspected the vessels on land so far and even the ones that went to other marinas. I was please at the lack of any signs of electrolysis on any of our vessels. Zinc loss was higher on some boats that others, however all in all we seem to be in very good shape. Not one vessel had enough zinc loss that the noble metals would come under attack.
Owners should be mindful of their zinc purchases. I would never buy zincs on the internet. Make sure you buy your zincs from a reputable store and that the zincs carry a name brand that is known. You will be doing yourselfs & your neigbhoring boat owners a big favor.
In closing if you have a Yamaha or Honda outboard or even a CAT, Cummins or Yanmar inboard I recommend that you get those zincs pencils from a dealer in a deal box.
Lastly if you remove a zinc pencil and it looks good. To late put a fresh one in. It is money well spent.
At low tide all of our tie rod bolts also looked health.
I thank our property committee for the great clean up and remval of junk this past week.

Captain Larry